Hi, my name is Joe
I build things with my mind at Compass. Formerly, I made things for humans. Before that, at Vimeo I helped make iframes fun again, build an HTML Video Player, and launch a Music Store.
Return to another age: a time of refinement and civility... and gifs.
Prettify your URLs... or at least un-uglify them.
For fun and profit.
Back, back, back it up!
Macro-ty Mac... don't talk back.
It's time for the Interpolater.
Quick Tips for Using Quartz Composer in Interaction Design
A faster, simpler way to browse your (embarrassing) tweet history
Despite my best efforts, it went quite well.
The HTML 5 alchemy to your Flash video woes.
Prototype, shmototype
I've got 99 problems but a lost browser tab ain't one.
JavaScript for when experimental, undocumented CSS properties just aren't getting it done.
The only thing better than remote control is direct control.
Creating content (especially good, quality content) takes time, effort, and money.